Programming Seeking Understanding
The blog of Mark Cheeseman

Wardrobe Kata

Having recently done the wardrobe kata, I was asked about the development process that led to my implementation, particularly in relation to TDD.

The development process that was followed was roughly:

  1. Define the problem in mathematical terms.
  2. Think up a solution, in mathematical terms.
  3. Implement the solution in Typescript.
  4. Determine if the solution dealt with various additional cases for which tests were added requiring a few minor coding changes.

Two points are particularly relevant to TDD. First, typically I would write tests for functions starting with the degenerate and trivial cases. For the wardrobe kata this could include:

distance wardrobe sizes expected result
0 [] []
10 [] []
1 [1] [1]
1 [2] []

Often such tests pass with very little effort. While I would normally follow this process, in this case I did not and suffered the consequences later with step 4 when I finally turned to such cases.

Second, in the context of other problems it has been observed that at the point of jumping from degenerate/trivial cases to a single more complex case an entire solution can be forced out that works for all other cases (for instance, see Mark Seemann’s discussion of the diamond kata, notably the section on ‘Example-Driven Development’).

For instance, all the degenerate/trivial cases could be solved as follows:

export function combinationsEqualling(n: number, amounts: number[]): number[][] {
  if (amounts.length === 1 && amounts[0] === number) {
    return [[amounts[0]]];
  return [];

It would be possible, albeit annoying, to code for all combinations of amounts with up to two elements, but by the time one gets to three elements you get that unnerving sense that it is necessary to solve for the general case.

For this implementation of the kata, solving this single more complex case, which was essentially the question posed in the kata, was solved in steps 1-3 without any modifications to the single test defined in the kata description.

1. Define the problem in mathematical terms

In thinking about the problem, the first step was to express it as a mathematical model. At this point, a concrete problem about wardrobes and available space becomes an abstract problem, expressed in mathematical terms.

There is not necessarily a single abstract way of expressing the problem. this can be a case of oscillating back and forth between the concrete and abstract until an appropriate abstraction is found. This may occur when an abstract expression of the problem yields no solutions, or even as it becomes more clear precisely what is being modelled and the model needs to change. However, in this case the statement of an abstract problem led to a potential solution right from the start.

2. Mathematical Solution

Given the abstract expression of the problem, a solution is:

Tree of bags

Admittedly, it was probably a particular mathematical solution I had in mind that suggested this approach:

3. Implement a solution in Typescript.

Having started from the hint of a Cartesian product as a way to keep track of the currently in progress leaves of a tree together with a list of numbers, the problem then became implementing it in Typescript. At this point the solution was largely in terms of a few algorithms and data structures:

Given that I was working in typescript, and was aiming not to use any additional libraries, I decide to use Lists, and worry about reducing a number[][] with repeats to an number[][] without any repeats and ignoring order as a second step.

Hence, the end result in Typescript is two steps:

  1. Keep recursively applying the Cartesian product of array amounts to the current Integer[][], pulling out arrays in the number[][] that sum to the desired total, throwing away results over the total, and recursively calling again with the new number[][] that remain summing to less than the total.
  2. The resulting number[][] has repeated combinations. Treating a number[][] as a Set<Bag<Integer>> was implemented as follows:
    • order each of the arrays of numbers.
    • Add each of the arrays to a Map<String, number[]>. Assuming the hash key for each number[] is unique, this removes all duplicates. In typescript, as it turns out a plain old object can serve as a Map<String, *>. The hash, is the the list .toString().